Northeast regional director


Just to let everyone know who wasn’t at the last NJMP event, I’m going to be the regional SE30 director for next year. The class has a lot of momentum now and it’s at the point where we can use a director and I’m happy to have the opportunity.

The NE region has grown a lot in the last year or so (not just SE30) and that rapid growth showed us what needs a little polishing and what is working great. I think there is going to be a lot more discussion and planning during the off season for next year and the bar is going to be raised for everyone.

In the meantime, I’d like to hear if you have any comments/concerns/suggestions about anything, good or bad. Could be about racing, DE, paddocks, anything relating to our region. If you don’t want to post something on the board, you can email me at sbcurran (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.

2009 kicked ass and next year is going to be even better, unfortunately we have to deal with this thing called winter first.


Congrats Sean, if you need help with anything let me know.


congrats sean. joe casella told me the good news when i called him last week. looking forward to being part of the NE Spec e30 group in 2010. I definitely agree the series has hit critical mass in the NE now and I’m glad we have a regional director.


Need longer races. Sunday practice is useless, in my mind.
If im not racing would be happy to drive the pace car. Hopefully will run more than 7 laps next year in the NorthEast.


congrats SC, well deserved position. Having just done a 4 hour enduro with EMRA at SPR, I suggest we look into the +/- of an enduro with NASA here in the northeast.


excellent idea re the enduro…


Congratulations Sean… Great benefit for the Northeast.


Thanks guys, really looking forward to next year.

It’s looking like Sundays will have a 20 minute practice/qualifying session and a 40 minute race

There is also a bunch of enduros planned for Fridays. The first one planned is only for 90 minutes, don’t know about the rest or the details on it. Check the 2010 schedule thread for more info