
I finally signed up this week, what a hectic month, being the victim of two crimes is not fun.
Let me know who needs a dvd with the last two races so I can burn them.

  1. Victor Beraja 007



email me personally, I am doing some planning to grow SpecE30 in SoCal with Frank, Dave and Chris and a couple of others, I need your email to loop you in…

charter dot

May 23rd I am one of the lead instructors for BMW Club LA at Fontana - and my cage is not currently ready to even drive the car.


I’ll be there. I’ll probably head up friday and camp this time. Where do we usually paddock at WSIR?


I will be there. I am going to be doing comp school with driving concepts. I will be staying at the track. Last event there, in the rain, I stayed out by turn one. This time I will try to get a little closer to snack bar.


I’m going to be there.


Victor, sorry to hear what happened.

Allan, awesome move going to Comp school. You’re going to have a blast. It’s a good group of instructors. It all happens rapid fire both days so take lots of notes from the classroom sessions.

I unfortunately will be out of action for the next 45 days with a project at work. Hoping to make Buttonwillow in June if everything comes together.

We are on track to have a good size group by Oct/Nov :woohoo: