Thread for info on how long tires last


If this is directed at me, that sure isn’t the way to welcome an enthusiastic new member. FYI, I’ve raced in classes with unlimited tire and classes with spec tires. Fair to say I have some experience.[/quote]

You’re not the only newb on this forum…it may have also been tossed my way :stuck_out_tongue:

(Oh, and I wouldn’t let these sort of pecker measuring jabs get to you…just a way of them showing fear. :woohoo: )


If this is directed at me, that sure isn’t the way to welcome an enthusiastic new member. FYI, I’ve raced in classes with unlimited tire and classes with spec tires. Fair to say I have some experience.[/quote]

In fairness to Steve, it’s not always about the skill and experience. He’s a helova nice guy and if you met him in the paddock you’d soon be drinking his beer. Steve has a point. we sometimes debate issues that boil down to “culture” as much as anything else. It can take a couple yrs of racing with SpecE30 to really understand how an idea might play into that culture.

An example would be the weight reduction we got this year. We’d debated that for a while but always within the context of being faster. But we were never going to get that approved on the basis of it being a “be faster” mod. I wrote up the rule change as a “safety and cost reduction” mod using the idea that lighter meant carrying a bit more speed thru corners and therefore less conflict with highly motivated Miaters trying to pass us.

In almost all regions this is the most friendly and happy to help you bunch you’ll ever meet. And there’s lots of folks with outside experience that I’m sure have very useful insights. That being said, IMO until a person has raced a couple yrs in a particular series, they don’t know the culture.


These issues are not new or unique to se30. Go over to the sm forum and you’ll find the exact same discussions with guys taking the exact same position on either side.

There are better arguments than “you’ve never raced before” that kind of stuff doesn’t accomplish anything or advance the discussion.

Group hug!


[quote=“cosm3os” post=60498]These issues are not new or unique to se30. Go over to the sm forum and you’ll find the exact same discussions with guys taking the exact same position on either side.

There are better arguments than “you’ve never raced before” that kind of stuff doesn’t accomplish anything or advance the discussion.

Group hug![/quote]
Kyle -

I never stated or implied you hadn’t raced before. I agree with Ranger that the SE30 crowd is about as welcoming as you could ever want. However, I’ll put a finer point on what I said: I think it is a little obnoxious for someone to propose major rule changes before they have raced with a group. That is simply my opinion, not an attempt at pecker measuring. I stopped doing that long ago because the answer is consistently depressing.

I know you have raced in 3+ different series over the last few years (counting SE30). I think you may have joined the Spec Miata ranks AFTER we got a spec tire there, so you may not remember the grumblings about (and reality of) parity problems with an open tire rule.

My experience in Spec Miata starting in 2005 leads me to believe that minimizing the major differences (e.g. tires, engine choices, chassis choices) is the healthiest thing for a spec class. We’ve gotten rid of the 318. We don’t have different chassis except for the convertible, which I’d like to see sunsetted. Open tire is anathema to a spec class.


lets do some enduro tire testing and post it in this thread. midwest seasson is over.